
miércoles, 22 de noviembre de 2017

STORY: "Betty the cow"

A los niños les encantan los cuentos. Aquí os dejo uno (de Macmillan)  con estructura repetitiva, de fácil comprensión y genial para repasar los colores.

*Vocabulary: red, yellow, green, orange, blue, brown, cow.

🌟 Story: Betty the cow
Betty the cow was walking
one morning in a field.
I'm hungry, I'm hungry,
I want something to eat.
A RED flower,
a RED flower
please come, please come with me.

Betty the cow was walking
one morning in a field.
I'm hungry, I'm hungry,
I want something to eat.
A YELLOW flower,
a YELLOW flower
please come, please come with me.

Betty the cow was walking
one morning in a field.
I'm hungry, I'm hungry,
I want something to eat.
A GREEN flower,
a GREEN flower
please come, please come with me.

Betty the cow was walking
one morning in a field.
I'm hungry, I'm hungry,
I want something to eat.
A BLUE flower,
a BLUE flower
please come, please come with me.

Betty the cow was walking
one morning in a field.
I'm hungry, I'm hungry,
I want something to eat.
AN ORANGE flower,
An ORANGE flower
please come, please come with me.

Betty the cow was walking
one morning in a field.
I'm hungry, I'm hungry,
I want something to eat.
A BROWN flower,
a BROWN flower
please come, please come with me.

🌟 Materiales

🌟 Song

🌟 Activities

  • Colour the flower: cada grupo colorea la flor de uno de los colores del cuento.

  • Act out! Después de trabajar el cuento, los niños lo interpretan. Podemos agrupar en pequeños grupos a los niños que tengan la flor del mismo color y Teacher tendrá el rol de "Betty the cow". A lo largo de la historia, Betty se encuentra con flores de diferentes colores las cuales se irán con ella.

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